Elder Care Services - Home Health Aides is one of our six key home care services designed to support your individual home care needs.
Home Health Aides
Home Health Aides are certified professionals who can help with personal care, med reminders, transfers, or other challenges.
Elder Care Services - Home Health Aides
Home Health Aides (HHAs) are certified, trained professionals specializing in senior care in the home. Training programs are run by organizations like the Red Cross. Training for an HHA is similar to that of the aides you might have in a hospital, who are typically Certified Nurse Assistants (CNAs). A Home Health Aide, however, has special training on how senior caregivers should provide elder home care services in a private home setting rather than in a hospital.
All of Connected Home Care’s Home Health Aides work under the direct supervision of a Registered Nurse, or in rare cases a physical, occupational, or speech therapist. They provide assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) such as dressing, bathing, toileting, personal hygiene, and related activities, including continence care when it is needed.
Home Health Aides and Transfers
Assistance with ambulation and transfers is part of HHA training. While other caregivers may sometimes serve in a “standby-by assist mode” or even at times provide hands-on steadying or support, we assign only certified Home Health Aides to cases if the client is not at least 50% weight-bearing. If someone needs help with a Hoyer lift, trained Home Health Aides are an essential part of the team.
Elder Care Services - Home Health Aides
& Doctors Appointments
Home Health Aides also sometimes can help with transportation to doctor’s appointments and even help to report on changes in care plans based upon results of that day's visit. Clients arrange these services in advance, with written authorizations. For insurance reasons, home health aides cannot ever ride as a passenger while the elder drives. However, a home health aide can drive the client to the doctor's appoinrtment in the senior’s car or in the elder caregiver’s car. All drivers undergo proper background checks. Our agency's insurance covers all authorized drives, and we always have proper license and registration on file before we authorize any transportation services.
Home Health Aides & Skilled Therapies
Home Health Aides often are assigned to cases when the client also receives support from other licensed professionals, such as a physical, occupational, or speech therapist. The HHA can support these therapy regimens by prompting and guiding the elder to perform the activities designed by the therapist, and to follow the plan of care.
Our 6 Levels of Home Care
- Private duty nursing
- Alzheimer's and Dementia Care
- Home Health Aides
- Personal Care
- Homemaking
- Companion Care
Elder Care Services - Home Health Aides
- Personal Care
- Assistance with hygiene, bathing, & in the bathroom
- Continence Management
- Medication Reminders
- Transfers and mobility support
- Socialization
- Assistance with meal preparation
- Homemaking
Elder Care Services - Home Health Aides
- Personal Care
- Assistance with hygiene, bathing, & in the bathroom
- Continence Management
- Medication Reminders
- Transfers and mobility support
- Socialization
- Assistance with meal preparation
- Homemaking
If your loved one has Alzheimer's Disease or related dementia (ADRD), we can help. We will keep your loved safe and support him or her in the home. We train our caregivers in Habilitation Therapy - the best standard of care for all types of dementia. The Massachusetts Alzheimer's Association developed Habilitation Therapy, and we use it for all our dementia training.
If your loved one has Alzheimer's Disease or related dementia (ADRD), we can help. We will keep your loved safe and support him or her in the home. We train our caregivers in Habilitation Therapy - the best standard of care for all types of dementia. The Massachusetts Alzheimer's Association developed Habilitation Therapy, and we use it for all our dementia training.