In-Home Medication Management
Medication Management is a service designed to help clients manage their medication regimen, in their own home or senior residences using one of our skillful registered nurses. Under the prescription orders of your Doctor we will manage your loved one’s regime in taking their medications.
Benefits of Medication Management
Medication management services help keep your loved one safe and healthy by reducing the rate of medication errors, drug interactions, duplications, or omissions. It also lowers the incidences of rehospitalization.
Who benefits from medication management services. Our services are popular with seniors or those with mental or physical challenges, memory or sight issues.
Medication Management Services
Our compassionate and skilled nurses will set up a medication schedule, including filling a weekly medication planner or automatic pill dispenser technology such as a PMD. Regimens vary depending on an individual's needs and we follow the orders of the prescribing doctors. When a patient's health status changes our nurse will contact your doctor immediately. Our services also include the following as needed or prescribed.
- We support and promote independence in relation to clients and their medications as much as clients are able and interested in taking on themselves.
- Conduct a full medication reconciliation at the beginning of our services and when there is a transition back home from a hospital or rehab facility.
- Compare medication orders for all medications a client is taking and notify doctors when issues exist.
- Assist in developing medication schedules with clients who have medicines from more than one doctor.
- Instruct and educate clients or family/caregivers on the correct dosage and frequency.
- Instruct and educate clients or family/caregivers on reportable side effects and when to notify our nurse and their doctor.
- Refill automatic pill dispenser technology (PMD expertise) or common medicine planners
- Evaluate and report on how clients respond to medications and their effectiveness
- Communicate with a client's medical team when needed to promote optimum outcomes.
- Add new medications to the regimen as they become prescribed.
- Remove discharged medications from regimen as needed.
- Provide and maintain an updated medication list for clients to take to Doctor’s appointments or if Hospitalized.
Medication Management FAQs
Medication management is a service designed to help individuals manage their medications so they take them on time, without missing any and avoid the dangers of incorrect medication administration. This service is often used in one's home, assisted living settings, and senior living communities.